Friday, April 6, 2012

Topic: I Have No Idea

Hello, audience. I'm not dead or trapped in a well or something. I've just had writers block. Every time I've been online and had the freedom of time to write a blog lately, I haven't been able to come up with anything. Which is basically what I feared would happen when my ex convinced me to start writing a blog in the first place. The other thing I feared would happen is that I would be boring and no one would be interested in any of my blogs. So far, that doesn't seem to be true, but the only real feedback I've received thus far has been from people I already know, so I'm not positive as to whether I'm just getting sympathy views or whether anyone actually cares to read what I write. In fact, some of the blogs I had the most fun writing have the least number of page views, so apparently what I think people will read and what they actually read are two very different things. Shows how underdeveloped my foresight and/or mind reading powers are.

This chick seems to have it down.

Anywho, not a lot has been going on lately. Insomnia has brought me some really long nights, and chemical imbalances have put me in some really grey and pensive moods. I've been doing a lot of reading, and I've had some long conversations with friends I don't connect with very often. Long as in hours and hours sitting in a car in front of my house, or a booth in Village Inn after closing time but before the wait staff (who totally loves our Wednesday night group) kicks us out so they can go home. So plenty of mental stimulation.

I recently read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for the first time in my life. I've long been a fan of the Peter Jackson movies, but until now I had never successfully read the books. I started Fellowship a couple years back, but I went into it with a totally incorrect mindset and preconceived notion of what to expect, so I never made it past Lorien. This time, however, I wasn't expecting the novelization of the movies, but a grand adventure of some Hobbits that got themselves into trouble of an epic scale and how they got out of it. Needless to say, it went much much better. I had to borrow a copy of Two Towers and Return of the King from friends, but I made it. And I tell you what, I'm going to have a whole new appreciation for the movies next time I watch them. Which will probably be in the next six months or so. I'm due to watch them again at some point this year. Also, Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. /story.

You wish you could be Aragorn. It's okay, admit it. I do too.
Hmmm. What else....
I've resolved to buy some EMG pickups for my beautiful Roxanne and gentleman Ray Charles. A set of 81/85X humbuckers for Roxy, and one of their strat sets for Ray, if anyone cared to know. Umm.. I'm totally going to see Periphery, Protest the Hero, and Jeff Loomis TOMORROW NIGHT. It's going to be awesome. AND, Meshuggah next month. I'm super stoked for that one. I missed them on their last tour in America like three or four years ago. And they were playing with Cynic, too. I'm still mad about it.

I'm back on the active role of job hunting again. I've been super lazy for the last few months and haven't been doing a whole lot, but I'm finally sick to death of being unemployed, so I'm filling out online apps like mad and I'm taking down phone numbers to call en masse later today. I still feel like a major bum for not already having a job, but that's what I get for being lazy and not trying super hard. I don't take rejection well, and I get discouraged pretty easily when I'm in a down mood. I lose interest in doing most anything but trying to escape from reality, so I end up reading a lot or playing immersive games, like the ultra-popular Skyrim. To give you a taste of my capacity for escapism, I probably have more than 150 hours of play total across six or seven different characters on two different PS3 consoles, and I don't actually own the game myself. No, I really don't have a life.

And then I stop and think about how many jobs I could have had by now if I had dedicated that many hours to job hunting since Skyrim's release on 11/11/11 and go pull up an online application. And then, as soon as the first window pops up with information I have to fill out, I remember why I haven't. Because Skyrim is way more fun than filling out job apps. Applications are sobering and elucidating and generally put me in a bad mood, whereas Skyrim lets me be an Orc Warrior with bright red mutton chops named Scotty McOrcishbane and run around splattering people and monsters to death with a giant warhammer.

This is exactly what it's like.

Side note: The Sinclair/7-11 on Constitution and Academy is THE BEST 7-11 I have ever been to. Why? Because the employees are cooler, and because they totally kept the big green dinosaur and stuck it on the side of the building instead of out by the corner. I almost cried when I didn't see it mocking the drivers trying to cross Academy on Constitution during rush hour the first couple times I drove by. But all is well, because the big green guy is definitely still around.

Now that I have effectively wandered aimlessly for somewhere around ten or fifteen minutes, I'm going to call this blog a done deal. It's my first ever stream of consciousness blog, and I must say, I enjoyed it pretty well. Previous experience tells me that I am going to get very few views because of that. We will just have to see if that remains true. I'll let you guys who actually read this far know in my next blog where this one stands in the overall running. Maybe I'll even draw up a nifty graph like the guy who does XKCD does from time to time. Great web comic, by the way. I've read every single one, INCLUDING the secret text for each. How's that for not having a life?

I want to be the hat guy when I grow up.

I feel like I should start compiling a list of my achievements in not having a life. Among them would be watching the Theatrical AND Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson trilogy in marathon. On separate occasions, of course. Though, I think I may have cheated through a couple scenes I didn't like and let myself nod off, so maybe I'll have to try again...

Anyway. Now I'm actually done. Thank you again for reading, audience. It does actually make me happy to see that people read my blog from time to time. Until next time.

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