Thursday, August 18, 2011

Greetings, humans!

Hello! Regardless of how you came across this page, I welcome you to the Peanut Gallery. I am Mister Ludeman, and I will be your narrator and guide as we delve into the ridiculous trains of thought that pass through my insignificant little head. Strike that. I've always preferred to think that my thoughts aren't carried on trains, but rather zeppelins. Just because trains have a habit of derailing or being robbed. Of course, there is always the Hindenburg to think of. But this is beside the point. I'll start with a bit of information about myself.
tl;dr I write blogs for you to read. :D
I'm 18, a musician, a philosopher, a writer, and reader. I play cello and guitar, having about 6 years of experience in both. I tried piano once upon a time before I decided I was useless at it and gave up. I also sing, though I won't count my own opinion in the consideration of whether or not I'm actually decent at it. I love to think, and sometimes I'm guilty of thinking too much. I'm a fan of metaphysics, the study of reality and what makes everything work. I write, and I tend to believe that i'm good at it. I have a fantasy novel in progress, and plenty of short stories and story ideas sitting stashed away, waiting to have life breathed into them. I love to read, and specifically fantasy or science fiction. Stephen King has a huge section on my bookshelf. Dexter Palmer is my favorite author as of right now, though he only has one novel out, but by god, is it fantastic! The Dream of Perpetual Motion. You must read it. I just finished my third read through a week or two ago.
Now, I will be straight with you. I like to talk. I do it a lot. And you can expect me to type a lot as a result. So expect long posts to be the rule rather than the exception. Also, I tend to be very technical in speech and vocabulary at times, sometimes sounding like a textbook or a technical manual. This is usually cut up with sarcasm, snark, metaphors, and off-the-wall descriptions or details, so I hope the amusing parts are enough to keep you reading.
If you made it this far, I congratulate you for not being bored to death by this point. I hope you choose to continue reading my blog in the future. I'll cover subjects across the range of my interests; sometimes serious, sometimes silly; sometimes ranting, other times well planned out and researched. And as much as I love to read my own thoughts over and over, I'd much rather hear what all of you, the vague, ambiguous, ever listening audience, has to say. So please, tell me i'm wrong. Tell me i'm an idiot. Tell me to shut up. But make sure you use complete sentences, good grammar, and references. I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mister Ludeman,
    If your thoughts are carried on zeppelins, you can count on me to read them. I look forward to hearing your philosophical ramblings. Let the blog begin!

    In your spare time, check out some of my philosophical ramblings. Although not carried upon zeppelins, my musings do tend to do some highly amusing tricks.
